Tech Coordinator

Job highlights

Identified by Google from the original job post

Qualifications•Ability to organize systems and work with diverse personnel, as there are often competing deadlines•Detail-oriented, organized, and a team player who is able to work on multiple projects simultaneously•Possess considerable experience with Microsoft Office Suite, including data entry and manipulation using Excel, presentation preparation using PowerPoint, and schedule development using MS Project•Strong technical writing skillsResponsibilities•Collaboration with other project coordinators in our East Coast offices to provide administrative support for a 30+ person office of technical staff•Coordination with accounting and marketing staff to facilitate the opening of new projects and preparation of project marketing documents•Report editing and preparation, specification edits and formatting in Word and SpecsIntact•Agenda and minutes preparation for staff and project meetings•Booking conference registrations, professional association activities, and travel arrangements•Compiling and reporting revenue projections in Excel•Creating and running CRM and Project Management Reports in Deltek’s VISION software•Coordinating and making submittals to state and federal agencies•Proven ability to communicate effectively both in verbal and written forms and possess excellent interpersonal skills•General administrative tasks for the office including reception, photocopy center, and other administrative and office organizational tasks as required
Job Category: Coordintor
Job Type: Full Time
Job Location: Skillman NJ

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